Affiliate Program

Get paid by referring customers to us. Receive 25% commission upon activation. Activate your affiliate account and start earning money today... Everyone needs web hosting or a domain name.


Join our affiliate program and maximize your earnings

By partnering with our affiliate program, turn your recommendations into revenue. Whether close to your family, friends, colleagues, or customers, share your passion for our quality products and benefit from a monetary reward for every new signup made through your unique link.

Track your performance in real time

Access an accurate overview of your performance with our real-time tracking tool. Discover the number of clicks on your affiliate link, the conversion rate, and your accumulated earnings, allowing you to adjust your referral strategies to maximize your earning potential.

Free program membership

Our affiliate program is open to everyone without any registration fees. Enjoy an opportunity to generate additional revenue without prior financial commitment.

Unlimited earning potential

Your ability to generate revenue is unlimited. The more you share and convert, the more your earnings increase. Take advantage of our competitive commission structure to boost your passive income. With 25% commission on activation.

Simple and fast process

Becoming an affiliate has never been easier. Sign up in a few clicks, access your personal affiliate link, and start sharing our innovative products. We will provide all the necessary tools for success.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions

How can I become an affiliate?

To become an affiliate, you must first sign up on our website. Once registered, you can access your affiliate dashboard and get your personal affiliate link. You can share this link with your friends, family, colleagues, or customers and start earning money.

How can I track my earnings?

You can track your earnings in your affiliate dashboard. You will have access to real-time statistics, including the number of clicks on your affiliate link, the conversion rate, and your accumulated earnings.

When can I withdraw my earnings?

You can withdraw your earnings at any time. We offer monthly payments via PayPal or bank transfer.