windows VPS

Has your website outgrown shared hosting? Discover our Windows VPS solutions designed to propel you forward. With our Business Plan, experience enhanced performance and stability, perfect for growing businesses. Or choose one of our VPS options to gain full control over your hosting environment. Our Windows VPS offerings provide the flexibility and power needed for all your business requirements, ensuring an optimal user experience and uninterrupted operation of your site.

From $74.99/month

Choose between Windows and Linux

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VPS Hosting Plans

Choisissez le plan qui correspond le mieux à vos besoins. Tous les plans incluent un nom de domaine gratuit.







Every VPS Hosting plan includes :

Performance and scalability

Get 3X the speed and unlimited traffic with NVMe SSDs powered by Virtuozzo. Plus, KVM virtualization for full control. VPS upgrades allow you to easily increase RAM, CPU and storage.


Enjoy ‘round-the-clock network monitoring with advanced DDoS protection with a dedicated IP.

Easy admin/unlimited accounts

Create unlimited hosting accounts with optional cPanel/WHM + Softaculous.

Root access

Retain full control and configure your server to your needs (up to the operating system level).

Monitoring and alerts

Monitor server uptime, resources (CPU, RAM and Storage), and domains — stay informed with alert notifications.

Backups and recovery console

Seven days of automated snapshot backups, plus the option to create a single on-demand snapshot backup. Also, fix issues using the recovery console (with or without access to SSH).


cPanel is the most used administration panel in the industry. It allows you to easily manage your website

Easy to use, user-friendly interface

Backups and restorations of your data

Create and manage your email accounts easily

Create and manage your databases


Install a Wordpress blog or other CMS and much more in 1 click. No knowledge required. More than 320 applications available!

WordPress Blog + WooCommerce

CMS (Joomla, Drupal, Typo3...)

Survey (LimeSurvey...)

E-commerce (Prestashop, Magento...)

Forum (phpBB, MyBB...)

Education (Moodle...)

Self Managed VPS Hosting – perfect for system administrators and developers.

That’s right, if you’re a developer, designer or system administrator with experience managing a server – seeking full control over your hosting environment – our Self Managed VPS Hosting is a solid fit. You get full root access with SSH keys for total control as well as command line for flexibility and power. Plus, we offer a wide range of scalable performance options with flexible server configurations.

Most common uses


Launch an eCommerce site capable of handling heavy traffic by installing WordPress, Magento, OpenCart and PrestaShop with a single click.

Multiple sites

Host multiple sites without impacting client response time, thanks to our isolated environment.

Web or database server

Instantly set up a web or database server, whether it’s MySQL, Linux or Apache.

Resource-intensive applications

Whether it’s commercial, financial, CRM, real estate or social media applications, manage them all with our VPS solution.

Email server

Fully set up and control your own mail server. Leverage unlimited mailboxes and addresses for your business or clients.

Test environments

Instantly set up test servers on any continent and test your application or site response times.

Included with all our plans

Instant activation

The activation of your Web hosting package is instant upon receipt of your payment. Your website and domain name will be functional in minutes.

Payment methods

We accept payments by credit card, PayPal, bank transfer, check and money order. We also accept payments in Bitcoin.

Free domain name transfer

Register a domain name, Register a domain name, Transfer a domain name, it's free with your Web hosting package.

Anti-DDoS protection

Likuid includes a free anti-DDoS solution to protect your server 24/7 against any type of DDoS attack, regardless of their duration and size.


A firewall is installed and configured on each of our servers and blocks hacking attempts.

AntiVirus and AntiMalware

ClamAV, one of the most used antivirus and antimalware, is installed on all our servers in order to identify threats, viruses, Trojans, spyware and malware.

Guaranteed speed and uptime 99.99%

Availability is now an important issue in Web infrastructures. We guarantee 99.99% availability. Your Google SEO will be improved.

Unbeatable technical support

More than 10 years of experience in the Web! Technical support in French. In-depth knowledge of DNS, IMAP/POP emails, CMS (WordPress, Joomla...)

Daily backups

Local backups + overseas backups. If necessary, our local backups allow us to restore your site in minutes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions

What is a Cloud VPS and how is it different from shared or dedicated hosting?

A Virtual Private Server (VPS) is a type of hosting where a physical server is divided into multiple virtual servers, each with its own resources and operating system. Unlike shared hosting, where resources are shared among multiple sites, a VPS offers dedicated resources, ensuring better performance. Compared to a dedicated server, a VPS is more affordable while offering similar isolation, allowing for better security and increased customization.

What are the main advantages of using a Cloud VPS for my website or application?

The main advantages of a Cloud VPS include greater flexibility and control over your hosting environment, dedicated resources for superior performance, enhanced security due to server isolation, and elasticity to easily adjust resources as your website or application's needs grow. Additionally, with a Cloud VPS, you often benefit from increased availability and reliability, supported by a robust cloud infrastructure.

Is it easy to upgrade or resize my Cloud VPS?

Yes, one of the main advantages of a Cloud VPS is its scalability. You can easily upgrade or resize your server as your needs evolve, without significant downtime. This flexibility allows you to adjust resources such as CPU, RAM, and disk space, ensuring that your website or application runs optimally at all times.

What type of technical support is provided with Cloud VPS services?

We offer comprehensive technical support for our Cloud VPS services, available 24/7 via phone, email, or live chat. Our team of experts is ready to assist you with server configuration, troubleshooting technical issues, and any advice needed to maximize your VPS's performance. We are committed to providing prompt and efficient support to ensure the continuity of your online operations.

How do I choose between a Windows VPS and a Linux VPS?

The choice depends on your specific needs. Choose a Windows VPS if you need to use software specific to Windows, such as ASP.NET or Microsoft SQL Server. A Linux VPS is recommended if you prefer an open-source environment, use languages like PHP, Python, or Ruby, and are looking for a more cost-effective solution.

What criteria should I consider when choosing a VPS provider?

Important criteria include server performance (CPU, RAM, storage), reliability and uptime, customer support, backup options, security, and the flexibility of pricing plans. Also, ensure that the provider offers an easy-to-use control panel and scalability options to accommodate your site's growth.

What are the advantages of using a VPS for Windows or Linux?

The advantages of a VPS include better performance, more control, enhanced security, and the ability to install specific software. Windows VPSs are often chosen for applications specific to Windows, while Linux VPSs are appreciated for their flexibility, lower cost, and compatibility with many open-source software.

How do I secure my Windows or Linux VPS?

Securing your VPS involves several measures: configuring a firewall, using strong passwords and two-factor authentication, regularly updating the operating system and software, restricting SSH access, installing intrusion detection software, and performing regular backups. On a Windows VPS, also ensure that Windows Defender or another antivirus software is enabled and up-to-date.