Reseller Hostign

If you need a platform to host your customer's website without having to deal with all the technical aspects of managing web hosting servers, this is the solution for you.

From $74.99/month

Reseller Hosting Plans

We transfer your site for free on our servers.

Basic Plan

  • 50 GB SSD NVMe space
  • Unlimited traffic
  • Unlimited website
  • 1 free domain
  • Private DNS name servers
  • Reseller cPanel Panel
  • Free SSL certificate
  • Eco-Responsive


  • 100 GB SSD NVMe space
  • Unlimited traffic
  • Unlimited website
  • 1 free domain
  • Private DNS name servers
  • Reseller cPanel Panel
  • Free SSL certificate
  • Eco-Responsive

Single dashboard - multiple sites

Manage all your sites from a single dashboard in your SiteGround Client Area with suspend and delete options and quick access to the Site Tools of each site. Jumping to a specific site in a long list is easy with our search functionality.

Scale your business when needed

In all our plans suitable for resellers you can easily add new sites in a few clicks. In case you need more hosting resources, you can just upgrade to a higher plan or add more space, CPU and RAM to your cloud.

Powerful tools at your disposal

We give you access to a wide range of tools to help you build and manage sites such as a fancy File Manager, FTP client, PHP version manager, PHPMyAdmin, App installer, and over 30 more!

Get expert help when needed

You can rely on our expert support for any hosting related issue you encounter. Our goal is to make your reselling easier and managing sites faster and stress-free. Our Helpdesk is accessible from every page of your Client Area and Site Tools.

Why Choose A Reseller Plan?

Multiple websites

A reseller account allows you to easily manage multiple websites. Every website can be completely isolated on it's own cPanel account.

Fully managed servers

Our qualified team takes care of everything. You don't need any server management knowledge to start hosting websites for your customers.

Free WHM/cPanel

A WHM/cPanel licence is included for free with your Reseller plan so you will never have to worry about that extra cost.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions

What are the benefits of hosting reseller plans at Likuid?

Hosting reseller plans at Likuid offer unparalleled flexibility, allowing resellers to manage their own pricing, brand their service under their own name, and access advanced tools for simplified management. Additionally, they benefit from expert technical support available 24/7, high server performance and reliability, as well as the ability to expand their offering with additional services.

How does the control panel work for reseller plans?

The control panel for resellers is designed to make it easy to manage your customers and their hosting. It allows intuitive management of client accounts, creation and management of custom hosting packages, access to detailed reports on resource usage, and easy configuration of domains and subdomains. All this through a simple and clear interface.

Is it possible to offer my clients free SSL certificates?

Yes, as a reseller at Likuid, you can offer free SSL certificates to your clients, thus enhancing the security of their websites at no additional cost. This feature improves visitor trust in your clients' websites, while improving their search engine ranking.

What support is available for resellers?

Resellers benefit from priority technical support 24/7, accessible by phone, email, or live chat. Whether for a technical, billing, or account management question, our team of experts is there to assist you. In addition, resources and guides are available to help you get started and succeed as a hosting reseller.